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About Me

  • I'm currently CEO of Mashery, a web services startup.

    I founded Mashery after leaving Feedster, where I was VP Business Development.

    Before Feedster, I've had a bunch of various similar jobs running companies in a wide range of dissimilar industries, from manufacturing to entertainment to online auctions. These include being president, CEO or COO of, ColtHR, Justice Design, and The Groundlings.

    I have a BS in Electrical Engineering from MIT and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson School.

December 2009

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Alan Graham


Jusst noticed your Mashery postings...congrats. blog URL is now

And if you can make it...please stop by next week at

We'd also love to have you present some time.



Jeff Marshall

Oren, thanks again for sponsoring the contest. I really appreciate it. I had a blast at the camp, and especially the speed geeking demos.

I've already picked up Parallels Desktop for the laptop and have Windows and Ubuntu running in virtual machines so I can do web development and test on all platforms simultaneously. Goodbye Dell laptop. :)

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